Let's reflect on prayer for a minute.
If I were to ask about our prayer lives candidly and we were all to answer honestly, I wonder what our answers might sound like. Maybe something like these? Feel free to respond in the comments below.
- "I hardly pray at all. I know I should, but I forget. And I feel guilty about it."
- "I pray some, but mostly when I'm worried or after I've done something I know is wrong."
- "I pray some every day, but I sometimes wonder if anyone hears it or if it really matters."
- "I pray some every day, but it feels more like an obligation than a devotion. I pray because I should, not because I really want to."
- "I have a hard time praying. When I pray, I come face to face with my sins and flaws, and it scares/hurts me."
- "I have a hard time praying because if God really knew me, God would be angry with me and might not love me anymore."
- "My prayer life is good but not great, and I'd like to improve it."
- "I'm completely happy with my prayer life."
- "For me, a day without praying is like a day without breathing. I need it like I need food, water, and shelter."
- "I'm so in love with Jesus that I can't NOT pray."
- My answer to this question changes depending on what day it is.
Let's take a good look at our prayer lives this Lent and see if we can fortify our prayer lives to build up our relationships with God, the church, the world and ourselves.
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