Monday, February 25, 2013

Keeping a Holy Lent Part 3: Gifts

There are many ways to support the church with your gifts.  Of course, your financial gifts are essential to maintaining the church and its ministries, and there are many ways to enhance your giving.  Here are a few things you can consider.

  • Make a personal pledge to give to the church even on Sundays you are not here.  
  • Use your bank’s online BillPay to set up automatic payments to the church every week or month.  This can greatly simplify your giving. 
  • Remember the church in your will.  You can leave a share of your estate to the church.
  • Analyze your own giving habits and ask yourself if you can afford to take a step forward toward tithing (giving 10% of your income to the church).  Even if you take a tiny step up, you can feel good about moving forward. 

There are also spiritual gifts we all possess in one degree or another, and these are essential to the church as well.

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